
Debt Management Department

Actively participate in the evaluation, acquisition and disposal of non-performing debts of domestic and foreign financial institutions; comply with government policies to actively assist debtors in dealing with debt issues; reduce the burden of debtors and assist debtors in clearing up debts and restoring credit through agreements, reconciliation, re-negotiation of the schedule of principal and interest repayments and partial debt relief.

◆ Purchase of financial institutions’ monetary debts
◆ Evaluation or auction of financial institutions' monetary debts
◆ Monetary debt management services for financial institutions


Contact us

North District

  • Tel: (02)2382-0868
  • Fax: (02)2382-2468
  • Address: 3F, No.77, Guanchian Road, Chungcheng District, Taipei City 100

Central District

  • Tel: (04)2225-8271
  • Fax: (04)2225-1550
  • Address: 3F, No.5, Gongyuan Road, Central District, Taichung City 400

South District

  • Tel: (07)285-4570
  • Fax: (07)285-1332
  • Address: 5F, No. 110, Qixian Second Road, Xinxing District, Kaohsiung City